In the case of most large corporations, you will inevitably have to deal with misconduct. As an executive, however, you need to be aware of the potential ramifications of this type of crime, how common it is and how it could be happening right in front of your eyes,...
Trying the most complex issues
for over 30 years.
Trying the most complex issues for over 30 years.
Complex Civil Litigation
The complex and fluid nature of business torts
An authoritative Colorado legal source duly notes the close interplay among diverse factors relevant in one especially complicated commercial law sphere. It notes for starters “multiple parties, complex subject matter and numerous expert witnesses.” And then it...
How non-disclosure agreements work
Many assume that there is some dark intention to asking employees or business partners to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Rather than hide inappropriate behavior or illegal activity, these agreements are often used by businesses to protect proprietary...
A lawsuit might not be as frivolous as it seems
It is tempting to assume that another party’s claim lacks merit, especially in a highly contentious dispute. However, a claim might have more strength than you might realize at first. When a customer, vendor, partner or employee pursues litigation, a business must...
When can one sue for fraudulent misrepresentation?
Business owners are always making deals and signing contracts. When they do, they want to believe that the individual or entity with which they are entering an agreement is being honest. Unfortunately, there are those in Colorado and elsewhere who may say or do...
If a complex civil litigation case did not go your way, appeal
Most lawsuits are settled without either side ever having to set foot in a courtroom. Why? It costs less for everyone to settle and move on as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, settlement agreements cannot always be reached, and some Colorado residents may find...
Isn’t all civil litigation complex?
Have you found yourself in a dispute that requires some legal assistance to resolve? Does the problem involve more than one party, high stakes, a challenging subject matter or the need for expert witnesses -- among other things? If you can say yes to any of the above,...